Flickering monitors when running from the docking station. Laptop fails to recognise USB devices, both on and off HP Ultraslim docking station, and during laptop use or after hibernation.Issues with docking station with external monitorsAdditionally, if users have an 2013 version of the Ultraslim docking station with external monitors and experience any of the issues listed below, before raising a ticket for these, they or their IT support staff should try to apply the following firmware:To check the version of the Ultraslim docking station, check the following link from HP:If, after applying this firmware, the issues persist, or they are using a different connection method to the monitors and experience any of the following problems, they should please raise a ticket: When or of off the docking station, the laptop doesn’t resume from hibernation (shows a black screen) and user needs to power off manually. Win 7 Pro 64-bit (includes Win 10 Pro 64-bit License) 4 GB RAM 500 GB HDD 12.5 TN 1366 x 768 (HD). HP EliteBook 820 G3 - Core i5 6200U / 2.3 GHz.
On some docking stations with dual monitors, some of the graphics options for primary display and screen resolution are disabled.